Fortune Seeker
is a treasure hunter who harnesses the raw power of a Titan while utilizing the spoil skill to gather valuable resources. Known for their ability to deal tremendous physical damage in close combat, Fortune Seekers also possess skills to enhance their loot collection, making them ideal for farming rare materials and spoils from defeated enemies. Their role in battle is to crush opponents with heavy blows while securing valuable items for crafting. Combining strength, treasure hunting, and crafting potential, the Fortune Seeker is a versatile class that thrives in both PvE and group play.
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Create Item:

Fortune Seeker can craft items Up to B grade.

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Fortune Seeker can Crystalize items Up to D grade.

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Coin of Luck:

Each party member will recieve a random set of effects based on a coin flip. Increased P./M. Attak and P./M. Skill Power OR Increased Head size and P./M. Def. Consumes 96540 Adena. Requires a blunt or two-handed blunt weapon.

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Coin Strike:

Throws a fistful of coins at the enemy infront of you that deals damage.

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For 10min Increases P. Attack. Can be learned with maximum of lvl 2.

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Two-handed Weapon Mastery:

Increases P. Attack while using two handed sword or blunt weapon.

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Eye of Slayer:

For 10min. Increase PvE Damage +3%.

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Very fast skill that Increase CP by 2000.

Noble Sacrifice Icon

Disarms the enemy for 5second. Requires blunt, spear, fist or dual swords.

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Jump Attack:

Jumps to attack frontal enemy deals damage and decreases their speed by 180 for 5 sec. Requires blunt or spear weapon.

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Symbol of Honor:

Creates a seal that maximizes HP/CP regeneration of nearby Allies. The seal's effect disappears upon leaving the area. Consumes 11 Battle Symbol. The skill cooldown is fixed.

is a master craftsman and warrior, combining the strength of a Titan with the unique ability to craft and build powerful siege weapons. As a formidable tank and damage dealer, Maestros excel in close combat, using their strong physical prowess to withstand heavy blows while dealing devastating damage. Their crafting abilities make them invaluable in creating high-quality weapons, armor, and items, while their spoil skill allows them to gather rare materials from enemies. The Maestro is a unique blend of brute force and crafting expertise, making them essential in both battle and resource gathering.
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Spoil Festival:

Maestro now can learn Spoil Festival skill.

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Mass Sweeper:

Maestro now can learn Mass Sweeper skill.

Chain Strike Icon
Coin of Luck:

Each party member will recieve a random set of effects based on a coin flip. Increased P./M. Attak and P./M. Skill Power OR Increased Head size and P./M. Def. Consumes 96540 Adena. Requires a blunt or two-handed blunt weapon.

Chain Strike Icon
Coin Strike:

Throws a fistful of coins at the enemy infront of you that deals damage.

Chain Hydra Icon

For 10min Increases P. Attack. Can be learned with maximum of lvl 2.

Chain Hydra Icon
Two-handed Weapon Mastery:

Increases P. Attack while using two handed sword or blunt weapon.

Noble Sacrifice Icon
Eye of Slayer:

For 10min. Increase PvE Damage +3%.

Chain Hydra Icon

Very fast skill that Increase CP by 2000.

Noble Sacrifice Icon

Disarms the enemy for 5second. Requires blunt, spear, fist or dual swords.

Chain Hydra Icon
Jump Attack:

Jumps to attack frontal enemy deals damage and decreases their speed by 180 for 5 sec. Requires blunt or spear weapon.

Noble Sacrifice Icon
Symbol of Honor:

Creates a seal that maximizes HP/CP regeneration of nearby allies. The seal's effect disappears upon leaving the area. Consumes 1 Battle Symbol. The skill cooldown is fixed.